
Saturday 26 October 2013

The people who walk your way with you......

In life, paths cross and you find people walking your way along with you. Some manage to stay on with you forever, while most turn to different paths. Even though the time we spend with them seems evanescent, memories linger for a long long time. The impact thrown on you from their side may be profound. In this phase of my life, I've come across a lot of people. And with each passing person, I've learnt a new lesson. 
He was sitting with his group of friends, and me with mine. I'm cent percent sure rude judgements were made inside both our heads about one another. It took us almost a year to have a small talk. A few common friends, a rapid exchange of friendly words and we instantly, became friends. He thinks of me as his sister. I don't know what kind of a relationship we have, but I enjoy every bit of it.
Sometimes we retreat into our own shells and never talk to one another, because we're so busy. While most friends mistake us for showing attitude,we,on the contrary, understand one another. So if we meet once in a while, it's bound to be another rapid exchange of friendly gestures, maybe some snacks and some intimate secrets. And that's exactly the way I like it. Sharing, understanding and caring.
I remember one day, when my skin was soaked with my own tears, dripping every second when I got into a mess with my lecturer. My grade was at stake. Instead of stopping the tears, a fit of rage was evoked in him and  he marched to fight back from my side. It's people like this, who walk your way with you, and bring a smile on your face. Dear friend, I don't know if you're going to be in my path for a long long time and me in yours, but I do hope we cross paths in the future too and have some special moments like we always do. Thanks for being a wonderful person that you have always been! Wish you all success in your life.
And here's wishing you a very very happy birthday!