You probably heard your friends talking about the 'epic show' in lunch. Some might have compelled you to watch the show. All in all, with the game of thrones frenzy around the air, you are probably wondering as to what is so impressive about that show. What's in it for you? Is it just entertainment or is there more? Game of thrones( be it the book or the series) simply whisks you off into a virtual world of politics. If you are tired of hearing Narendra Modi's continuous victory, the deregatory remarks on Congress and the notoriously immature antics from AAP and want to taste a different flavor of politics, game of thrones is the show for you. An interplay of politics, romance, drama, thriller and various other unthinkable elements make the intricate story. Set in the medival period, you won't get bored of the Lords and Ladies drinking in from their goblets of wine, their adept diplomacy, their erotic fantasies, their knack and wit for playing the subtle game of politics, their endless courage, their avarice for power and the list is infinite( so is the wine). Each high-born family has its own set of values, that you may vicariously relate to. The show starts off with Baratheons in the Iron throne,trapped in a complicated political marriage to the Lannisters who fund the kingdom. The Starks, rulers of the North, Winterfell, discover a secret they claim could change the future of the Seven Kingdoms. However, to keep the secret safe from the people, Lannister's begin to conspire against the Starks and here's where the battle starts. Similar political tremors erupt in other places, and all the high-born families, driven by their own hunger for power, are trapped in some battle. The Targaryens, not so far from the seven kingdoms, grow powerful day by day with three dragons, in the belief that they are the rightful heirs of the kingdom. Game of thrones is an inspiration to many. It is philosophical in its very own way. So who is the hero of the game of thrones? Well, that's for you to decide. The game of thrones does a splendid job in justifying each role and each family motive, thereby giving you the freedom to judge. That's what makes the show outstanding. You may take inspiration from the Starks who always courageously fight for justice or the power-hungry Lannisters, who glibly use their wit and charm on their way to gain power. You may support any character you like. But by doing so, you realize a part of yourself you've never seen before. As you relate to a character, you realize that your motives are similar in life and your philosophies match. So if you can spare the time, the time to learn a few lessons, the art of politics and have some fun, go ahead and start the show!And as for my favorite, that would be Tyrion Lannister. Tyrion, a high-born Lannister, is mocked at from all sides including his own family, for being an imp. However, Tyrion uses his wicked intelligence to get around the wicked corners of the seven kingdoms. In my opinion, he is the only sensible character in the Game of Throne Series. Here's an inspiring punch dialogue from the every so famous Tyrion Lannister: Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you
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